Village of Islamorada recently issued the following announcement.
March 11-12
June 10-11
September 9-10
December 9-10
Four times a year, Islamorada residents may take household hazardous waste products for free disposal to a special drop off location at Founders Park (Mile Marker 87 Bayside). The drop off location is temporarily set up for collection days near the south park entrance beyond the Administrative Center parking lot. Drop off hours are 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day of the scheduled collection.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days are generally scheduled on the second Friday and Saturday in March, June, September and December.
The household hazardous waste collection is an effort to remove hazardous materials from the waste stream and to properly control disposal of the products. Waste disposal is available to residential customers only and proof of Islamorada residency will be required. Residents may take materials to the drop off location and Waste Management will have personnel on site to accept and separate the waste to ensure the proper disposal or recycling of the materials collected.
Household waste materials include:
used motor oil, antifreeze
hydraulic fluids, paints, stains, strippers, wood preservatives
roof and tar patching compounds
adhesives, putty, caulk, fiberglass and epoxy resins
acetone, mineral spirits
muriatic acid, lye,
pesticides, fertilizers and weed killer
household and drain cleaners,
pool cleaning products
tires off the rim that do not exceed a light duty SUV
batteries of all sizes
electronic and florescent lighting waste
Computer, electronic and lighting waste is accepted throughout the year and during the hazardous collection events. Contact the local Waste Management office throughout the year to schedule a roadside pickup or appointment to drop off televisions, computers, monitors, printers and other electronic waste.
Residential used motor oil is accepted throughout the year and during the hazardous collection events. Residents may drop off up to five (5) gallons per visit between the hours of 8AM and noon at the Waste Management local office: 86490 Overseas Highway, Islamorada.
Commercial customers must contact Waste Management to arrange for disposal of hazardous materials; commercial waste may not be dropped off at the residential collection site.
If you have questions or would like more information contact
Waste Management at or 305-853-3433.
Original source can be found here.